Friday, January 20, 2012

macro flowers: Agavaceae

I was in the Gold Coast of Australia in my sister Helen's house when I saw these majestic plants. On the way to Sam's Karate class, I see this yucca tree in some one's front yard. I see it's progression from a tall rod to eventually flowers. It was about ten feet tall as it was higher than the house. I wasn't blogging then. Below are 3 stages of three different plants.

Agave americana Century plant Agavaceae Family The plants are perennial, but each rosette flowers once and then dies (see semelparity); they are commonly known as the century plant. I posted how majestic the plant is, and a friend commented what is so great about it. It grows, then flowers and dies. It makes me think of some mothers who die at child birth.

Below is a flowering Agave americana in Sandringham, Auckland.

Another Agave americana with flowers dropped at Auckland Domain.

In 7/6/2010, I posted this plant as a Yucca. For my friend Ellen, who is now my Facebook friend as well.

The Yucca/Agave americana is a majestic plant. I see this Sandringham yucca tree in some one's front yard. I see it's progression from a tall rod to eventually flowers. It was about ten feet tall as it was higher than the house.

I was in awe because it was strong and didn't need anything wire or stake to hold it up. I couldn't photograph the whole plant as I was sneaking around and stopping my car at a no parking zone.

Once, when I was at the Auckland Domain, I saw the other. Gone were the flowers, but it is still regal. The stem of flower has not bent.

You can see in the above photos, the young plantlets have already grown on the stalk itself, and the mother plant is slowly dying.

I re-dedicate this post to my friend E. She is beautiful and strong like this Yucca. You see, I have not met E, but our lives have been intertwined because we are both bereaved mothers of Campomelic children. If my life of having Andrew is tragic, E's is doubly or triply worst.

Who told me that lightning doesn't strike twice? E lost two babies to Campomelic Dysplasia and now she is struck again and is battling with cancer.

E, you are like this Yucca/Agave americana. You will not be beaten.

Macro Flower Saturday
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