Friday, September 23, 2011

New55 Early Results

Our subject from last week's session is shown very tightly cropped and greatly enlarged.  This is the negative side of a New55 shot taken with the trusty Speed Graphic and Xenotar 150mm f2.8, work performed over at Mass Art with the assistance of Keitaro Yoshioka and other collaborators. To see the entire image you can go to our slide show on flickr. You may have to change your access settings.

Or you can see them here in higher resolution.

The results we can now get appear to exceed the performance of old T55 in an important way: Both positive and negative are properly exposed and processed in one operation, something Polaroid never achieved.

Every day I get requests and questions from people, some asking "what can I do to help?"
Right now, one thing you can do is tell others, put the link to New55 in other forums, mention it and link it in your posts, and keep doing it. Copy and paste the URL everywhere you can. This helps build traffic and consensus that further investment is worthwhile.  Places to go include APUG, LF forums, and also general photo forums, certain fashion and modeling sites, the popular press (comments sections) and on Twitter and Facebook and places I am not aware of. Please do this as the opportunity presents itself, and don't be afraid to grab this or other images from here to post with the link back to


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