Friday, September 30, 2011


It's been a crazy minute since I updated my 'personal' blog so I decided "Oh what the heck" and go back to my original drawing board. Since the start of this blog in May of 2009 my postings have been a window into my upside down and crazy life. I often take the time to share my goals, accomplishments, and even failures. I was speaking with one of my best friends the other night about one day writing a book on the achieving my own success.I've always considered myself a underdog but through diversity I always seem to prevail. I thought about writing in a journal to express the situations that were going on in my life both good and bad. I nixed that idea and decided I would use these experiences (The Blanco Experiences) to tell the tale of who I was. It would serve as my journal and foundation.

So this afternoon during the moderation of my other blog ( *shameless plug I know* I decided instead of writing in a notebook and shun out the entire world. I'd share my experiences with you, as you follow me on my journey. Hopefully something I may say or write about can be influential to what you may be going through or hoping to achieve.

I'm gonna do my damnest to blog every few days...So stay tuned because like I've always said "The Best Is Yet To Come"

I refuse to allow Failure to win this battle


Fifth year - 5ºC - Thursday 29 September 2011

Summary of the class:

- Reading: Antarctica. Click here to read the text.

- Listening: green issues

- Writing: connectors. Click here to see the document we worked on.

- Writing: planning an essay

Homework: Write an essay on one of the topics we worked on class, and follow the planning you discussed in class. These are the topics for those students who were not in class yesterday: Topics

Fifth year - 5ºB - Thursday 29 September 2011

Summary of the class:

- Reading: Antarctica. Click here to read the text.

- Listening: green issues

- Writing: connectors. Click here to see the document we worked on.


This gathering .... (doesn't it look great)
found on Luisa's new blog ... 
... she also featured Maria's great photographs of my favorite cafe in Sydney.

Really loving this light .....
via here
and Dean Edmonds leaning table ...

.... and lamp.
via here

These brushes ....
via here

this wire sculpture by Gavin Worth ....
 via here

 and the glass stack ....

..... and the mirrors in this bar. 

Yipeee .... we have a long weekend this weekend 
... looking forward to a bit of a relax !!!
pic via here

Hope you have a lovely weekend

Thursday, September 29, 2011

watery wednesday, sky watch Friday: Pt Chevalier

I am combining these two memes, I had no access to the internet for a week.

We are lucky in Auckland, we are an isthmus and we have just moved to a promontory. I am 5 minutes walk to the beach.


 Really liking these photographs from .... is a documentary of some of Portland's most talented artists, musicians, designers, and craftspeople photographed by local photographer, Carlie Armstrong.


 I've just added some more things to my ebay sale, amazing how much "stuff" you accumulate over the years .....


 .... quite the mixed bag this time, and I still have so much more to add over the weekend,
check it on 16housefleamarket