Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fuji FP-100C Negative Reclamation

Here's the sequence I use  - shoot, peel and let the negative dry completely. I don't touch it or try to clean it or rinse it.

Trim the negative and place it face down on clean glass

Use good quality gaffer's tape, all around, overlap a little, making sure the seal is very complete so bleach won't get underneath.

Three layers of folded paper towel are placed over the back of the negative now

And add some thick bleach - not too much, just wet it all over.PDATE UPDATE - Tobias Feltus has improved this process by using THICK BLEACH which works in a shorter time and does not require the pressing and waiting. I will post the exact THICK BLEACH brand when I find it. in the meantime, continue...

Lay a plastic bag on top and using a print roller, spread the bleach, pressing the soaked paper towel firmly onto the back of the negative.

Some weighty objects on top! I like to wait a couple of minutes.

Remove the weights and the plastic. Swipe off the black gob with the wet paper towel - it comes off very easily as the bleach has had plenty of time to react with the black mask and dissociate the material. I don't try to get all of it now because the sodium hypochlorite remaining is minute and scrubbing can scratch the substrate.

Clean the rest with glass cleaner, lightly and completely. This is a better way for final cleanup, after the bleach has softened all the goo. A nice shiny surface without residue. PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ME SAYING THAT CHLORINE GAS IS PRODUCED HERE - IT IS NOT.  A very small amount of chloramine may be produced. This is what is used in swimming pools. Now back to the program:

Peel up the tape carefully and enjoy your scanner-ready results. Check out the detail and sharpness! This is easy, and fun. Enjoy Fuji FP-100C!Thanks to Tobias Feltus for first alerting me to this process. Also check out THIS LINK.

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