Thursday, April 30, 2009

Scene Haircut Girl Pictures

Scene Haircut Girl PicturesScene hairstyles have become extremely popular among the kids and youngsters alike. Some of the scene hairstyles are considered as far better than the traditional emo hairstyles. Although there is a vast difference with emo and scene cultures but some of the hairstyles and fashion themes are very much identical. Therefore, many kids often get confused with scene and emo

Emo Layered Haircut

Emo Layered HaircutThe emo layered haircut is highly experimental. Emo layered haircuts implies having the hair cut into a number of layers, the shortest being the uppermost, with length increasing at the ends.Emo layered haircuts give way to innovation and creativity where hair coloring is concerned. Because of the varied layers, people can play around with colors and highlights. The

The Emo Punk Girls

The Emo Punk GirlsWe love to hear everyone unique opinions on what emo means to them so send us your thoughts on what emo is to you. Most peoples common perception of emo is someone who is very emotional. Some people just consider emo to be a sense of style.Well, I can first say that Mister Alexandre Evans is not emo. But he is gorgeous. And it depends, some people think they pull if off, and

The Emo Hairstyle Girls

The Emo Hairstyle GirlsEmo hair, Emo hairstyles and emo haircuts are characterized by often black hair with random splurges of bright coloured highlights. The emo haircuts may also have asymmetrical lines and different colour background hair but the large majority of people with emo hairstyles prefer to dye it black.Emo Girls converge around graveyards like depressed bats. They wear far too much

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

short prom hairstyles 2009

Special events prom call for conspicuous hairstyle. Spring is a sign things to come and one of those is a special night that every teenage girl dreams of. That special night is prom and you want it to be the most unforgettable night in your life so far. Read on for some wonderful hairstyle ideas to help make it a night to remember.Short prom haircuts pictures:short prom hair styles 2009short prom

Why (Some) Men Touch Themselves In Public

No, I’m serious, why?? Is it an inherent gender thing, or are guys taught how to do this in special classes when they enter puberty? Could it be sheer machismo, (I got it, so I touch it.), or a severe insecurity, (Shit! Why has it stopped moving?), or just an inexhaustable fascination with oneself, (oooh, I wonder if it has changed shape in the last 10 minutes)?

Or maybe it’s just a complete absence of consideration? Maybe it doesn’t even occur to a guy that it might disgust other people, especially if they are not male, to be watching him scratch his genitals in oblivious bliss. Maybe he assumes that since it would be the high point of his year to see an unfamiliar woman fondling herself, she would naturally feel the same for him.

Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to be offensive here. I’m not even generalising. See, I added the ‘some’ in the title just to be politically correct, (though we all know better, don’t we?) I just need to find the answer to a few questions. And just so this doesn’t turn into a girly rant, I interviewed 6 hapless males to get their POV. The mentioned six have only one thing in common- they are my friends, (and hence somewhat weird) but apart from that, the sample range is pretty spread out.

The guys, strangely, were not remotely embarrassed, but talked willingly and eagerly. Only one of the six admitted to be a conscious ball-player, and the rest could not swear to what they did unconsciously. All six knew at least one person who persistently scratched himself, and two knew more than five. But this is where the similarity ends. When faced with the question of why people who touch, touch, each had a different theory.

Happy, who refused to accept that he touches himself even in private, thinks it is an Indian thing, the same inconsideration that makes people burp or fart in restuarants, or talk loudly about disgusting health problems to complete strangers. But he cannot explain why it should be restricted to males.

Nick says it is because men do not care and do not think it is cool to care. They think- ‘Whoa, I’m not touching you, I’m touching me; so whats your problem?’ He further feels that men should be left alone to touch themselves and women should get used to the idea that it’s just something men do, and not a personal affront.

Buno feels the tropical climate is to blame. Men, he says, sweat more than women, and therefore their itch problem would be more acute, especially in summers. He suspects that most scratchers suffer from some form of skin disease, and should be treated with pity and understanding rather than disgust.

Nandu suggests that the problem is more deep-rooted. He feels it stems from male lonelyness and emotional void. Men, he says, need to be touched, need to be loved and fondled. They touch themselves much as a lonely dog tries to throw and fetch all on its own. It’s a means to obliviate the sadness.

Sash (yes, of the porn CD infamy), says that many of his friends touch themselves in buses and trains to attract the attention of commuting girls. They enjoy being glared at in digust, it’s better than being ignored. Some guys even hope that the girls might just get turned on by the free show.

Sid feels that unlike girls whose hands are slapped away from their private parts from infancy itself, boys are never really taught not to touch. They grow up watching their fathers, uncles and brothers doing it, and they don’t even realize when they’ve imbibed the habit. They don’t mean to offend anybody; they just don’t realize it’s nasty.

The Monster Boss confesses that he touches himself because he has a very swollen, very crusty, very painful, very throbbing case of herpes down there and has also recently aquired a hyper-itchy fungal infection as well as pubic lice, and laments that the problem is getting worse instead of better.
(ok, no, that’s just wishful thinking. He wasn’t interviewed. I haven’t found out why he touches himself.)

Men, I didn’t want to judge you or show you down or rant against you. I merely wanted to understand a very bizzare habit that has never failed to disgust me or any other girl I know. Doing this survey opened my eyes and made me a more accepting person. I will never again want to set flesh eating scarabs upon a pair of testicles being scratched before my eyes. I realize it is a need you have, just as we girls need to compulsively eat chocolate. (No Aniket, I’m not calling you a girl).

But you might want to think about why certain parts of the human body are labled ‘private’ and why some places in your city are ‘public’ and how much nicer the world would be for the women you love, respect, and care for, if the twaine ne’er met.

If you have any insights you want to share, please feel free to use the comment page.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Latest Modern Curly Hair cuts for women

There are Latest Modern Curly Hair cuts for women:2009 Latest Modern Curly Hair cutslong blonde hair2009 blonde curly hair for womenClassy long curly hairstyles

2009 bridal hairstyles with flowers pictures (2)

Wedding hairstyles belong on everyone in the great party not just the bride. It is a lovely sight to see bridesmaids lined up in matching dresses and identical formal haircuts beside the altar. Must therefore choose the most attractive bridal hairstyle for you !bridal updos hairstyles with flowerswedding bridal hairstyles for long hairbridal hairstyles for long curly hairbridal updo haircuts for

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Latest Modern Curly Hairstyles for women

curly hairstyle are back again with some advancement and new touch.The curly hairstyles are a creative challenge for most stylists.Women with straight hair style often try to emulate them.Latest Modern Curly Hairstyles for womenThere are difficulties even with natural curly hair. One must make sure that curls grow in right direction as needed and it becomes a challenge to hairstylists also.There

2009 bridal hairstyles pictures (1)

Demonstrates the most beautiful bridal hairstyle in this for you. Enable you to become in people's focal pointin 2009 most beautiful bridal hairstyles:bridal updos haircuts with flowers picturesbridal hairstyles with short hairbridal hairstyles with flowersPlease the attention next An article bride hairstyle picture, we let us find the most beautiful wedding ceremony hairstyle for you

Goodbye Spring

Another April bids adieu.
Yet, every mustached face I see
Is still you.

Painting by Monet.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

reese witherspoon bob hairstyle

Reese Witherspoon bob hairstyles and there are many ways in which you can liven this look up ever so slightly with the help of sweeping the bangs to one side, another classic look from the blonde beauty.reese witherspoon short bob hairstyles for womenreese witherspoon bob hair styleReese Witherspoon's new angled bob haircutsReese Witherspoon's curly hair pictures

Friday, April 24, 2009

The Curly Hair Pic Styles

The Curly Hair Pic StylesThe model has medium, curly hair in a layered, tousled curly bob style with a fringe, or bangs. Her hair color is light brown. The curly hair care is very important. You need to use a good moisturizing shampoo and conditioner all the time and use a silk scarf at night and wrap it around your head. Please don’t use your fingernails to scrape the scalp when shampooing,

Beautiful Hair Curls

Beautiful Hair CurlsMining past decades for inspiration, Hollywood's hottest hairstylists gave their celebrity clients beautiful curls for the Golden Globe Awards. The look isn't about literally mimicking the look of the '40s and '50s, though. Instead, these stars borrow from past silver-screen beauties while letting their hair have more movement. Is this a preview of what we'll see at the Oscars

prom hairstyles 2009

Prom hair style : height of a good prom updo hairstyles creates a sense of elegance and style in the wearer, and the strands that can be allowed stay down the sides of the face serve to frame the eyes and cheekbones of the in a playful way that suits the joyful event. However, many feel that they need to stand out in their appearance, and they often opt for different looks hairstyles.prom hair

Curl Your Hair Pictures

Curl Your Hair PicturesCurls are always a hot thing to have, but this season it’s more about polished curls than anything. First, apply a curl defining smooth cream. Use a diffuser and blow dry your roots first and then flip your head over and continue drying the length to allow natural curls to form. Once your hair has dried, use a curling iron that is closest to the size of your natural curls

Thursday, April 23, 2009

katie holmes new haircuts

katie holmes new hair cutskatie holmes new hairstyles


Three more inches.

Just three.

Crab strained his eyes. He could just see the tufty bit of root sticking out of the earth, three torturous inches away. It had been two hours that he had spent on his back, wiggling himself towards that root. And he had covered a single inch in all this time.

The root was his salvation, the only thing he could grab to get back on his feet. To get out of this dark dark hole. Three more inches. Crab forced his entire body to concentrate... Wiggle, man, wiggle!

Stupid. He had been stupid. The hole had seemed so innocent. So inviting. There was bound to be food inside, he had thought, and he would find it. Instead he had found himself on his back, as helpless as a silly turned turtle, and with no possible way to get out, except that stupid root he still couldn’t reach. He wiggled with all his being, celebrating each millimeter won with a gasp.

Two! More! Fucking! Inches!

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see a squirrel’s skull, yellow and fragile. So he wasn’t the hole’s first victim. But no way. No way. He wasn’t going to die here like that dumb mammal. He wasn’t going to die such a meaningless, ridiculous death, on his back with his legs waving, in a dark stinking hole with a skull for company. Wiggle, man!

He couldn’t die on himself now. He needed to see his lovely pond again, the pond he had spent his whole life in, the pond he used to think of with so much disdain.

And he never got around to telling that pretty pink thing with those cute tiny claws how much he liked her. What about his dream of building a house of leaves and shells on the east bank of the pond for her and the children they would have together? NO! Come on man! Wiggle!


And what about his biggest dream, to see the river all the ducks and frogs always talked about… Imagine a place where water moved on its own! And so much bigger than the pond! Crab was not going to die without seeing that river, no he wasn’t!! The skull grinned at him in encouragement. Move man!

Sweat trickled down Crab’s insides. His back was raw from the rubbing. His claws were numb with the straining. He seemed to be moving, iota by iota, only by the force of his mind. Then, suddenly, something touched his ass.

Crab didn’t allow himself more than a moment to feel relief and joy. His lower claw grappled with the root and began to maneuver his half-dead body. He didn’t stop to wonder where the strength was coming from; he merely remembered the instant when his feet touched soft earth. And then he was scuttling, out of that dark scary tunnel into the fresh, open world.

He could smell the pond before he saw it, orange in the sunset, his paradise of food and shelter. Sweet, sweet pond! Crab scuttled towards it faster than he had ever scuttled in his life. A fat pig, waddling homeward from her evening bath, stopped to toss him in the air and catch him in her jaws.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Little Girl

We promised
That we would have a little girl
And we would name her
After your eyelashes
And my eyes.
Where do promises go when they die?
Where do little girls wait till they are called to be born?

This was my contribution to Catherine's Tapestry of Spring. If you want to see the uniquely beautiful anthology and hear this poem as well as seven magical others being read out, please visit Catherine here (link)
And if you want to read a poem on the making of this wonderful creation, you should visit Aniket here (link)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Choppy Hairstyles Pictures

Choppy Hairstyles PicturesChoppy Hairstyles are remain popular these days.Choppy hairstyles provide a more modern style as well as different changes to make simple cuts into very great ones.this haircut might not be for everyone but does provide a very good look for some.The beauty of this haircut is it suits for everyone with round,oval shaped are many different styles in choppy hair

The Coloring Hair Styles

The Coloring Hair StylesHaircoloring, perming, blow drying and hot iron styling can leave the hair in a state of disrepair, making it lose its natural luster. Longer hair is simply over-exposed to environmental factors until it too, loses its shine and depth. This is where the concept of contrast plays a role in restoring the natural appearance of processed, long or dull looking hair. However,

Cute Short Hairstyles Pictures

Cute Short Hairstyles PicturesDriving home Evelin wondered if she could improve her life by styling herself with one of the new, modern and mostly short hair cuts of Jessica Alba who appeared to be Evelin's most respected Hollywood actress.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Popular Hairstyles

The Popular HairstylesHair, haircuts, hairstyles, hairdo and hair fashion are the most essential ingredients of fashion savvy or for that matter any man or woman. Popular hairstyles not only accentuate the personality of an individual but also reflect the cultural, social and political trends. People always try to find the ways and means to update the hair and wear popular hairstyles regardless

Shag Haircut Pictures

Shag Haircut PicturesShag Haircut Hairstyles Shag cut like Halle Berry, Lisa Rinna, and Meg Ryan. This hairstyle does not look great on everyone. But ladies with narrow shaped faces can pull it off diva style. Short Shag hairstyle gives a cool appeal and almost empowering look. The hairstylist that creates this look has to know what they are doing or the haircut will be choppy.Shag hairstyles are

Medium Shag Haircuts Pictures

Medium Shag Haircuts PicturesA special event or a happy occasion is very important in one’s life. A formal hairstyle suitable for such a significant occasion is equally important. Choosing a formal hairstyle that is just right for you may turn out to be an uphill task.Looks good on: Most people, except those with very curly or frizzy hair. Because the layers are adjusted to suit your face shape,

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Limericks, A Dime A Dozen

A long time ago, I had challenged Aniket to write a limerick. He took up the challenge, did a research on limericks, came up with not one but five(of which one he wrote for me), and threw the challenge back in my face.
I never thought I'd get around to doing them, but here they are finally... Ten of these are for nine very good friends of mine, one is for a mortal enemy, and one I just threw in for luck. Let me know if they are any good...

Anik sighs to himself as he thinks

I used to be able to drink

My evening would start

With not less than a quart

How did my appetite shrink??


Bokom’s a doctor but he is also a poet.

Though he’s so goofy you’d just never know it.

Of all medicine put to test

Laughter is the best.

So for medical science’s sake, don’t outgrow it.


“Let’s see you steal my friends”, he dared.

So in twos and in threes they were snared

And when I achieved this feat

Aniket had to admit

Friends are much more fun when they’re shared.


The crap that they wrote was plain wicked

And they stayed anon, so it just wasn’t cricket.

But she showed them a finger,

And had they dared to linger

Jennifer would SO tell them where to stick it!

(This is re: Jennifer's recent trial with blog-stalkers. I hope this and the next one make you smile in mummified times, girl )


It's nice when she's away and you miss'er

'Cause a Mom-in-law's visit's like a blizzard.

Like she's sudden and she's cold

& She blasts through the household

And its all very unsettling for the lizards

(The above limerick will make sense to you only if your household comprises of both Mothers-in-law and lizards)


Anurag was surrounded by women.

The sole male in a feminine domain.

Amidst the cackling noise

In a guttaral voice,

He growled, ”But MY manhood is proven.”


I can't find a lable that will fit'er

She’s either sweet or she’s very very bitter

It depends on her mood

When Kriti’s good, she’s good,

But when she’s bad she’s actually better!


Sash bought a CD without checking its name

It turned out to be porn & no video game

Sash just couldn't desist,

He made love to his fist,

And sighed, "Someday I know I'll do this with a dame.


Deepa was sketching an angelic child

Which suddenly looked up at her and smiled.

Deepa jumped out of her skin!

The kid said with a grin,

"Why don't you make me a tad more wild?"


A young punjaban wanted Hasi for her lover

She was pretty and funny and very clever

But Hasi could not decide

If he liked her. Besides,

Where's the thrill of the chase if you can just have'er?


LGL's boss was obsessed with folders.

If she misfiled one li'l thing he'd scold her.

So she tricked him for a bet

Into the folder cabinet,

And left him locked there till he mouldered.

(Heeah! :D Sweet fantasy)


(And finally, something for all my Bong friends. I wrote this just before my exams.)

Moshla-maakha maach-gulo ke bhajte fele jei pan-e

Juddho korte jacchi mora, gorbe fole ei gyan-e

Bhoyonkor shobde moron

Beer—dorpe kore boron

Maach-er moto shohid hobo, emon ta to nei plan-e.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

LEGO Minifig Dimensions

After an infuriating search online for the dimensions of the LEGO minifig (LEGO man), I finally caved and just modeled it myself and decided to put the dimensions online.

This is not completely comprehensive, specifically (and most noticeably) it is missing arms and hands. Also, there's no top/bottom view so you can't see the shell/wall thickness. BUT, this should be sufficient for any type of profile/modeling job right up until the arms. The issue with the arms is that there are all sorts of lofts and things that I haven't had the time to mess with yet. I will though, no worries, the dwgs will just be much uglier.

Enjoy! Share with your friends, I'm pretty sure these are the only LEGO minifigs on the entire Internet. Woo-hoo for monopolizing!


LEGO Minifig Dimensions

After an infuriating search online for the dimensions of the LEGO minifig (LEGO man), I finally caved and just modeled it myself and decided to put the dimensions online.

This is not completely comprehensive, specifically (and most noticeably) it is missing arms and hands. Also, there's no top/bottom view so you can't see the shell/wall thickness. BUT, this should be sufficient for any type of profile/modeling job right up until the arms. The issue with the arms is that there are all sorts of lofts and things that I haven't had the time to mess with yet. I will though, no worries, the dwgs will just be much uglier.

Enjoy! Share with your friends, I'm pretty sure these are the only LEGO minifigs on the entire Internet. Woo-hoo for monopolizing!


Monday, April 13, 2009

A Very Recent Thought

The more time

I spend

In this world,

The less I want

To bring children

Into it.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Naturally Curly Hairstyles Pictures

Naturally Curly Hairstyles PicturesThis country girl has lots of country curl and it comes naturally to her. Making the most of her spirally mane, Taylor Swift has some straightening along the scalp hair from the weight and perhaps help from appliances, then she lets her length do the talking, or should we say singing?Curly hairstyles are a creative challenge for most stylists. Women with

Hair Tips New Pictures

Hair Tips New PicturesTo be successful in her career and still be fashion-savvy, a woman must examine her job description from the point of view of hairstylists. Regardless of your profession, your hairstyle should help you appear more attractive. Unfortunately, some women may not see the need for styling her hair or that her job forces her to be stuck in an unattractive hairstyle.When referring

Layered HairCut new Pictures

Layered HairCut new PicturesAshley Tisdale cuts her hair shorter, straight layered hairstyle. She looks fresher an a little bit different than before. Ashley Tisdale was cast as Sharpay Evans in Disney Channel Original Movies, High School Musical. She reprised her role as Sharpay Evans in.

The Curly Bridal Hairstyles

The Curly Bridal HairstylesFor me this informal wedding dress so nice and elegant especially in short model this giving a sign that this dress is suitable for outdoor wedding celebration. In ivory wedding dress with beautiful sash and the model shows her curly bridal hairstyles.The most important thing to remember when choosing your wedding hair style is the line, density and texture of your gown

Bridal Hairstyles Pictures

Bridal Hairstyles PicturesBridal need leastest fashion for looking good.Forget the stereo types, today's Asian Woman is intelligent, attractive, confident and an achiever! The classical Bra style and trouser or sari style is unique in women's fashion. Gather all your hair except the bangs and twist them into a bun on top of your head adding long white pins to add style. The bun will provide a

My First Blog Award! Yay! (Title Shamelessly Copied)

After months of envying bloggers who have so many, dropping all sorts of hints to people, wondering if anybody would notice if I just stole one, and finally telling myself that blog awards are ridiculous, meaningless, and juvenile, I’ve finally got my first award!! Yaayyy! This honor is exponentiated by the fact that it’s from Aniket, my arch-nemesis and a genius in his own right (don’t slip on all the butter, AT), and all the other awardees are very very illustrious bloggers.

Apparently, there are several rules about what I’m supposed to do when I get an award, but since I don’t remember any of them, I just put up a picture of it on my blog side, and now I’ll give it around. But before I begin, I need to say that the first person I’d like to have awarded would have been Aniket himself, since his Melody of Dissonance is one of my favorite blogs, but then he’ll just award it back to me and this will go on till eternity and we’ll never be able to put up any new posts again. For similar reasons, I’ll refrain from giving it to my co-awardees Jennifer, whom I love, and Catharine, of whom I’m in deep awe.

(I realize I’m being ridiculously serious about this, but please humor me, it is my very first and I’ve waited very long for this.)

And so, this crayonny award goes to *drumroll*

Quaint Murmur for Quaint Murmur, because this blog is so lovely it’s addictive, and I’ve wanted to give it an award from my very first visit.

Shubajit Lahiri for Cinemascope, the baap of all film blogs, because his reviews are so crisp, funny, and no-holds-barred.

Kriti for Kreation, because this blog kicks ass. (and also, I was afraid she might hurt my family if I didn’t give it to her quietly)

Shubhadeep for Writer’s Column for his magical descriptive powers and the fact that he can bring any scene to life with just a word or two.

Anurag ‘Happy’ Pandey for Happinessss, because his expression is brilliant and it would be a pity if he stopped writing

Anil Sawan for Colors, because he knows how to put into words things I didn’t even know I was feeling.

Mainak ‘Bokom’ Pal for Vindi+Alu=Vindaloo, because his insanity is delicious and I wanted to incentivize him to keep up the madness

Deepa for Deepa's World of Art because her prose sparkles with colors and makes me smile every time.

Ok, you guys get to copy the award onto you own blogs, if you want to, that is, and you need to give it around to 7 other people or something, and you need to keep me in mind when you next get an award from someone else.

And I’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the patience and perseverance of Shantanu Das, a new blog-friend who has spent the last two weekdays reading every single post I’ve ever written, and writing deep, meaningful, page-long comments for each one. To him, I want to say:
JIYO PAGLA!!! Kheer Kha!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Hair Dye Color Pictures

Hair Dye Color PicturesWith the emergence of various hair dyes and race to look young, beautiful and trendy fashion enthusiast not step back to experiment with them and play with different colors. Massive use of hair dye, made from chemicals deplete the hair of the process of oxidation, which gives the feeling of man touched when a similar hair weaving. These hair dyes wear your hair follicles

Henna Hair Color Pictures

Henna Hair Color PicturesHenna hair color is a pure, natural product made from the leaves of different plants. It can be purchased in health food as well as some beauty supply stores. The Lawsonia leaf produces red color, the Indigoferae leaf produces dark shades and the Cassia auriculata is used to condition the hair and remains neutral. When combined together properly, these primary components

The Hair Coloring Basics Pictures

The Hair Coloring Basics PicturesOnly use a semi-permanent hair color first. If you use a permanent color and it goes wrong you might find that the inexpensive box you bought at the chemist ending up costing you ten times as much at the salon in 'colour correction'. With semi's you can wash them back out again if you make a mistake. Choose the color carefully. Opt for a lighter shade than the

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Updo Hairstyles Pictures

Updo Hairstyles PicturesIf you would like an updo hairstyle then there are certainly plenty of updos to choose from, ranging from the very complicated version of an updos to the very simple. Some simple updo hairstyles, such as a pleat or a bun at the back of your hair can be managed easily. You can get some ideas by buying some hair magazines. For more complicated updo hairstyles you will need

The Punk Hair Color Pictures

The Punk Hair Color PicturesThis page details the process for bleaching hair and applying your hair color successfully. The more prepared you are, the better your results will be. Whether it's pink hair, blue hair, green, or purple that you desire, it requires the same simple process. Hair needs to be pre-lightened in order to get a bright, impactful color. And it needs to be lightened past the

The Punk Hair Styling

The Punk Hair StylingThe Complete Book of Hairstyling is big - over 300 pages of information. With details of over 100 hairstyles, it covers everything from hair care basics to the secrets of the professionals and solutions to all those tricky hair problems. With chapters such as City Hair, Big Date Hair and Vacation Hair, it's a really comprehensive book which is well worth having in your

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Near my window

Silvery white flowers

Nod sleepily.

My neighbours' windchimes

Sing to each other

Of a coming Storm

But for now,

The wind herds the clouds

And straight in my eye,

This big, angry moon

Just wont let me sleep.

Monday, April 6, 2009

I Really Really Wish

I could have a software that would go through my mail, locate all the forwarded mails that are not funny, naughty, or disgusting (it would simply have to search for key-words like love, friendship, God, cancer, happiness; and diabetes-inducing pictures of babies, teddybears, and puppies), delete all such mails automatically, block the sender from mailing/chatting with/scrapping me FOREVER UNTIL ETERNITY, and send a mild non-life-threatening-merely-paralysing-for few weeks electric shock through the internet back at all the sadistic creeps.

If i can't have that, then dear fruit of god's loin, please let me have a feature on my mobile phone that will permanently lock the SIM card and also render unusable the handset of any person who sends me another forwarded sweet friendship message in the middle of the night, or any other time for that matter.

Its a long week ahead.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Full Fringe Hairstyles For Teenage Girls

Full fringe hairstyleFull fringe hair styleFull fringe hairstyleFull fringe haircutsFringe hairstyleFull fringe hair styleFringe hairstyle

Autumn 2008 Hair Accessories For Women - Ribbons, Bows

Fashion Trend Watch Ribbons / Bows. Ribbons are quickly becoming more and more popular, and why not they are girly, fun, and flirty. While wearing ribbons you don't have to worry about wearing jewelry or accessorizing because your ribbons and bows are your accessories. Ribbons are just alot of fun can really add something speical to any outfit or look.Autumn 2008 Hair Accessories For WomenAutumn

2008 Winter Long Straight Prom Hairstyles

Celebrity Lauren Conrad Straight Prom Hair Style Straight, smooth and silky for prom. The Straight Prom Hair style features lots of layering combined with a deep side part and angles in the front from the chin down.Well placed highlights and lowlights add depth and dimension to this modern hairstyle.

Miley Cyrus Hannah Montana TV Hairstyles

Miley Ray Cyrus, is one of the next big thing in America, some people say she may become a superstar like Madonna or Brittney . Cyrus is known for starring as Miley Stewart "Hannah Montana" in the television series Hannah Montana on the Disney Channel.. lets see how this miley "Hannah Montana" do with her hair..she likes her wavy hair and dark color.. but she looks nice wiyh the blond too..just

2009 Hairstyles For Short To Long Hair

Short blonde hairstyle 2009hairstyle 2009long straight hairstyle 2009

Shaggy Hairstyle - Summer 2009

You have long shags, medium shags and short shags. You should keep in mind that the shaggy hair cut is not just going to happen and it may be hard to achieve on your own, unless you know what you are doing.Meg Ryan Shaggy Style For that shag hair cut that is flawless, you will need to go to the stylist who will be able to determine just what type of shag hair cut is going to look the best on you.

Hairstyles for an oval shaped face

Jennifer Aniston, Mariah Carey and Sharon Stone; three of the world’s most beautiful women, all with just one thing in common. They all have oval shaped faces. As you can also see from glossy magazines, TV shows and concerts, they all have very different hairstyles, proving just how easy it is to get the perfect look with an oval shaped face.Sharon Stone haircut Jennifer Aniston has been the peak

How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster - Summer 2009 Tips

Generally the growth of your hair will be determined by hereditary factors so if your mother or father had faster growing hair, the chances are that you will as well. However, diet, lifestyle and many other factors can determine whether or not your hair grows faster or slower but there are a few natural things that you can do to speed things up a little.Generally the hair will only grow by around