Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Spot of Self-indulgence

I’ve been Tagged!!! Till recently I had no idea what that meant, but I know now. It means I have to write 25 things about myself because some veilla bloke wants me to. Now I’m not about to pass up this chance to inflict a meaninglessly self-indulgent, boring, and uninspired post on the rest of you, so here are 25 things that I am… (this style of giving myself bizarre titles was shamelessly stolen from Quaint Murmur, who does a much better job of them in her very lovely blog)

Addicted freezer wall ice scraper & eater

Weird people cultivator

Bedroom wall mural artist

Baby observer

Useless stuff shopper

Parties & weddings dreader

Almirah & study table agent of chaos

Dog fearer

Tattoo & Body Art aficionado

Non-fiction literature avoider

Irreligious. Heathenish, even

Blog readership poacher

A closet nudist

A drinks-to-be-cool person who secretly abhors the taste of alcohol


Firebrand anti-male chauvinist

Hard rock- phobic

Tone-deaf sing-alonger

Bus-drama spectator

Teddy bear lover

Falling hair counter

Funny dancer

Food adorer

Procrastinator who never finishes her assignments. Ever.

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