Tuesday, October 14, 2008

For Sale

Alright, cool news. The other day some of us came upon a huge box full of new 2008-2009 copies of How To GAMIT (or, How to Get Around MIT). They're only sold at MIT in the Coop so they're relatively hard to get, but basically here's the deal. There is more information in this book about MIT than you will find anywhere else. Anywhere. I promise. And it's written completely by MIT students without help from MIT so everything written is uncensored and untouched by MIT.

They retail for $12.00, I'm selling them for $5.00 with $4.00 shipping. I've put one on ebay here:


And will keep adding them as I sell them. IF you want one, e-mail me at snively [at] MIT [dot] edu and then use the Paypal button on the right to donate $9.00. I'll go ahead and ship the book to you either next day or the day after.

Seriously, this is the best source of MIT information out there and the fact that we stumbled upon so many is pretty awesome. I'm keeping two for myself but I want to share with you guys too. Here's the ebay description I used.

The 2008-2009 edition of "How To Get Around MIT," otherwise known as How To GAMIT.


Written by MIT students for MIT students, this 383 page book is the most concise, useful, and affordable wealth of MIT information in existence. Updated every year, nothing is out of date. If you're even considering MIT as a college choice or if you have a son or daughter attending, this is probably the best source of legitimate information in existence.

I write for the MIT Admissions website, http://mitatmissions.org/Snively/shtml, and frequently use this book to help answer questions people ask me about MIT. A lot of people try to figure out what MIT is like by reading Newsweek or buying books "written with help from real students" by outside publishers, but this book is so much more than that. Honestly, don't buy anything more expensive than this, you're ripping yourself off. This book retails for $12.00.

The chapters it lists are as follows:

1) Useful Telephone Numbers
2) Emergency Information
3) Help
4) Academics
5) Medical
6) Housing
7) Law
8) Finances
9) Athletics
10) MIT Geography
11) MIT Facilities
12) Athena
13) Hacking
14) MIT Publications
15) Transportation
16) Sightseeing
17) Shopping
18) Entertainment
19) Restaurants
20) Media
21) Miscellaneous
22) Student Activities
23) Colleges Around Boston
24) Moah about Boston
25) MIT History
26) MIT Songs
27) Glossary
28) Index
29) Advertising and Photo Index
30) Staff

I'll leave you with the introduction to the book:

Welcome to MIT

You hold in your hands the very newest revision of How to Get Around MIT. I certainly hope you're happy you've got it -- I know I am. If you are reading this, chances are your life at MIT is just beginning. No matter what happens in your next n-many years here always remember Rule 0. Everything is gonna be OK.

When I was but a starry eyed frosh, I was handed my very own version of How To Get Around MIT. The cover had a very inelegant black on white title which proudly proclaimed that the book was thirty percent thinner than the previous version. I didn't really know how fewer pages was relevant to my ability to get around MIT and I was just annoyed to receive another bloody thing meant to indoctrinate me into the Institute. I dismissed the book as propaganda meant to be half useful and half a 300 page sycophant that in its indecision became entirely useless. Fortunately for all of us working on it and you kind folk, I was wrong.

How to GAMIT (as those in the know like to call it) is entirely student produced as well as financially independent. Because How To GAMIT does not take any handouts from the institute, these students are free to tell you the truth as they see it. Its staff has long since been embittered by countless caffeine fueled all-nighters, brutal exams, and hung over mornings, much like you will soon endure. Facts are a dime a dozen in this modern internet age, so we are offering you something better -- real advice, service with a laugh, a smirk, and a story. How to GAMIT is a snapshot of MIT life and culture taken by all of us who are trapped on the inside.

If you find the book to be a great resource and would like to help out next year, we'd love your assistance. If you find errors in this book send me an e-mail at _______@mit.edu. They will get fixed for the next version.

Good Luck.

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