Sunday, June 22, 2008

New Shades

Back in 7th grade my family and I discovered a wonderful exploit of eye insurance: Free Sunglasses. I wear contacts and have a prescription, but it's a fairly weak prescription, weak enough that I can be wearing contacts, put on prescription glasses, and it won't bug me a ton. My parents also got eye insurance through their jobs. Turns out there was an eye doctor relatively near my house that sold Oakley Sunglasses . . . prescription Oakley Sunglasses . . . for a ridiculous amount of money.

Luckily, money was no object, because as long as those glasses were prescription, I could use eye insurance on them. That meant free Oakley sunglasses for Michael!

I loved those sunglasses! I took them everywhere and wore them all the time. I had them from 7th grade all the way up through the summer before college. Then, something terrible happened. I was cleaning the road in front of my house and picking litter out from the brush. My mom was with me, and she picked up a piece of plastic.

"Michael, isn't this a piece of your sunglasses?"
I went over and looked at it. It was indeed half of the sunglasses frame, silver with a little green "O" looking at me sadly.


As we continued picking up litter we continued to find pieces of my sunglasses. Nearest we can tell, they somehow ended up on the side of the road and were then mowed over by a brush mower that was cleaning the sides of the street. To this day we still don't know how they got to the side of the road, but they did, and they were crushed beyond all repair.

I made it all the way through freshman year in college without sunglasses but it wasn't a good time. Sure, the winter was fine because it was dark and gloomy, but those periods of time wrapped around the winter were miserable. That is why yesterday I decided it was time to bite the bullet and invest in a new pair of sunglasses.

I have an affinity for Oakley sunglasses so I knew that I wouldn't be happy with any other kind. Unfortunately, Oakley doesn't sell the kind I used to have, so I was forced to improvise. Half-jackets were the closest thing but they didn't have the right color. Oakley, the company that they are, thinks of everything and actually lets you design your own sunglasses, so that's what I did. I spent some time messing with color combinations before finally settling on my brand new sunglasses. Here they are, in all of their glory!

They should be here in 10-15 days (they have to build them and ship them) and I'll make sure to blog their arrival!

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