Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Deep Philosophical Musings

I have deep philosophical musings for you! Aren't you excited??? Even a little bit? No? Well, read it anyway, it'll make you question things.

Ever heard the expression "Actions Speak Louder than Words"? Usually said when in situations like when you're caught saying "I'll save that person dangling from a rapidly fraying rope over that pit of lava" and then do nothing about it. People will jump all over you for not living up to your word, claiming that you can talk the talk but you can't walk the walk. "Actions Speak Louder than Words! Now Jimmy is Magma Food!"

Alright, that makes sense, you hurt somebody by not taking action. But, what happens if you flip it? Ah, this becomes quite philosophical now, because it seems as though people only like to use "Actions Speak Louder than Words" to criticize an individual, not to defend them. Consider the following scenario:

"God, I hate Mitch, he's constantly putting me down, being really sarcastic, and generally condescending."
"But he helps you with your homework, fronts you money for food, and helps you keep your life organized!"
"It doesn't matter, he's too rude, I can't take it! I hate him!"

This happens quite often. To me. lol. I'm a very dry, sarcastic, sometimes overbearing individual. Am I a bad person? Absolutely not, I was raised right and have very good morals. On the surface I seem pretty crusty but when it really matters I'm always there to help and defend people. My actions speak for who I truly am, not my words. In theory, "Actions Speak Louder than Words" should compensate for my "on the surface appearance" but it doesn't. Why? Why can't it go both ways? Instead of saying "It doesn't matter, he's too rude, I can't take it! I hate him!" why can't people say "You're right. He does everything he can to help me. Words really don't matter so much, his actions help me more than words could ever hurt me."

Think about it, you know I'm right. So, next time somebody is being really dry, sarcastic, or even seems rude, wait to see if it's just their words or if it's everything about them. Remember, Actions Speak Louder than Words.

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