Friday, February 2, 2007

Harry Potter Seven, Spoiler!

Check the new press release here!

Here's the secret though, I know what happens. I have an uncle who works for Scholastic and is one of the guys that puts the book jackets on the books. Needless to say, he's had a lot of time to read the jackets. . . or at least he would have had time, if they had needed him. What?! No jackets?!

No. No jackets. In fact, the last Harry Potter book isn't even a book. It's a pamphlet! Here's what it says:

"It was all a dream. Harry Potter woke up, laughed, and then climbed out of his waterbed and went downstairs to his good Catholic family who all know that wizards don't exist."

On the last page of the pamphlet it says "Get off my back you anti-Harry Potter extremists! -JK"

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