Wednesday, January 17, 2007


So, here's my story. Let's start yesterday, Tuesday.

I was dreading the day. It was to begin with Early Bird Clarinet Sectionals (Lots of tuning) and then proceed directly into a Calculus test over integration techniques. After school I was to go home and then return at 7 in the evening for a symphony rehearsal. Overall, Blech!

I left the house at 6:20 and headed very slowly into school because there was sleet and freezing rain. That should have been my first hint to check the internet for school closures. I didn't. Instead, after having driven at 20 mph for 20 minutes, I heard an anouncement on the radio that school was on a two hour delay. I had this strange mix of emotions at that point. It was a mix between "YES! AWESOME!" and "CRAP! Now I have to drive twenty minutes back home at 20 mph, only to have to drive back into town in 2 hours!" So, I drove home.

When I got home I could have studied for my Calc test (because I really needed to), but instead decided to surf the net and talk to other delayed individuals. Soon enough, another anouncement came online: School Canceled. Score!

Now I can study and organize and get all set for school the next day, right? WRONG! I started by spending another 2 hours on the internet. I then proceeded to watch TV and then watched The DaVinci Code and after that fell asleep. I slept from 1-5 and then surfed the internet some more. More TV, and then I went to bed at 9, having accomplished nothing all day.

Why did I go to bed at 9? Because this morning I was awake at 2:30 to take my mom to catch the hut to the airport. I got home at 3:45ish. Great! Now I can study for my calc test that was likely delayed until today. WRONG! I surfed the internet. Then, school update. . . . 2 hour delay! Now I can finally study for the calc test! WRONG! Blogging. lol, so here I am at 5:55, putting off studying for this stupid test as long as possible. I've already been up for 3 and a half hours and just CAN NOT STUDY! I'm going to go order Pay-Per-View now, I'll see you around.

Oh, and another thing. They never stop at just a 2 hour delay. The delay announcement comes during the 5:00 AM time window, but they end up closing the school after 7:00. So now, I wait for the inevitable. . . another day of sleeping and TV. No motivation at all! Life is good.

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